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Fat Transfer in Fayetteville, NC

The fat transfer technique can help patients sculpt the body, simultaneously slimming down one area while enhancing another area with natural-looking volume. At Cape Fear Aesthetics, we’re proud to offer the fat transfer procedure to men and women living in Fayetteville, Lumberton, Sanford and the nearby areas of North Carolina.

What is a Fat Transfer?

A fat transfer is a cosmetic procedure that enhances the figure by moving fat cells from one part of the body to another. The benefits of this technique are twofold: first, patients can remove fat cells from problem areas like the abdomen, hips and flanks, enhancing the contours of the body. Second, the same fat cells are injected to other areas of the body to augment the figure with natural fat. This is commonly performed to add volume and shape to the face, breast, buttocks and more.

How Does the Fat Transfer Work?

The fat transfer technique involves three steps: harvesting, processing and injecting.

  1. Harvesting: First, liposuction is performed to remove excess fat from a donor area, such as the abdomen, thighs or hips.
  2. Processing: Then, the harvested fat will be purified and prepared for injection. This is done using a centrifuge or filtration device that separates the fat cells from blood and other fluids.
  3. Injecting: Finally, the processed fat will be injected into the desired treatment area using fine needles.

What are the Benefits of a Fat Transfer?

The fat transfer technique has several advantages over other cosmetic procedures, including:

  • Using your own tissue, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions, infections or rejections
  • Providing long-lasting results through permanent fat cell transfer
  • Enhances multiple areas of the body with one procedure

What is the Fat Transfer Treatment Like?

The fat transfer procedure will be performed with either local anesthesia or general anesthesia depending on the complexity of the treatment. In either case, you’ll experience no pain during the fat transfer treatment process. To begin treatment, Dr. Dickerson will perform liposuction to harvest fat cells. Then, the harvested fat cells will be processed so that they can be injected safely. Finally, the fat will be injected into the desired treatment area using fine needles. This process can last between 1 and 3 hours depending on the extent of treatment necessary to produce your desired results.

What is the Recovery Process After a Fat Transfer?

Immediately after a fat transfer, patients may experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the areas treated. Pain medication and cold compresses can be used to help manage pain and swelling. For the next week, patients should rest and avoid any strenuous activities or exercises. Over the next 2-3 weeks, patients can return to work and other normal activities, depending on the extent of the procedure. Exercise and other strenuous activities can be resumed 4-6 weeks after surgery with Dr. Dickerson’s approval.

What Results Can I Expect from a Fat Transfer?

The final results from a fat transfer typically aren’t visible until several months after the procedure. You’ll begin to notice results approximately one month after your treatment, but it will take time for the transferred fat to settle into its new location and become permanent. It’s common that a portion of the transferred fat cells do not survive the transfer process. This will result in some fluctuations in your results over the first few weeks. Dr. Dickerson anticipates this loss by adding extra fat during the injection process.

Eventually, the newly transferred fat cells will settle into a permanent position in the body. Then, they will grow or shrink according to changes in your weight. Therefore, it is important that you practice healthy diet and exercise habits after your procedure to maintain your results.

How Much Does a Fat Transfer Cost in Fayetteville, NC?

At Cape Fear Aesthetics, we try our best to keep our services affordable to our patients. This includes accepting many forms of payment and offering flexible financing options through CareCredit®, United Medical Credit, and Prosper Healthcare Lending. If you are considering a fat transfer, we encourage you to schedule a private consultation. During this consultation, one of our surgeons will assess your cosmetic goals to determine the treatment method that will best satisfy your needs. At this point, we will be able to provide you with a clear breakdown of the costs associated with your treatment.

To learn more about the fat transfer technique, contact us today. During your consultation with Dr. Dickerson, we’ll help you identify the potential benefits of a fat transfer and whether you’re a good candidate for treatment. Cape Fear Aesthetics welcomes patients from Cary, Lumberton, Fayetteville and the nearby areas of North Carolina.